Is Your Business Ready for 2025? Here’s a Checklist

Earlier this month, more than 150 executives from scores of organizations met in New York with thought leaders from The Conference Board to talk about future readiness: how to prepare to thrive in 2025 and beyond. Here, culled from their discussions, is a to-do list for future-proofing your company.

—First, survive. This may not be easy. One in five CEOs believes their business stands a good chance of failing or being acquired by 2025. Low productivity and stagnant median wage growth are facts of life. Low-hanging fruit is gone, and with it the possibility of future operational efficiencies. The digital revolution has caused massive disruption without diffusing its benefits evenly throughout the economy. And environmental, political and trade crises render business-as-usual solutions obsolete.

—Look on the bright side. Government’s failure to deal with serious issues, coupled with pressure from millennials on companies to give back, has created an opportunity for business to step up and lead. Answers are not coming from government. If not you, then who?…[Read More]

Roger Chiocchi

A life-long advertising and marketing professional, Roger is VP-Marketing at Signature Brand Factory. Prior to that he spent 20+ years on Madison Ave as a Sr. VP at Young & Rubicam and President of Y&R subsidiary, The Lord Group.



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