How Can Happy Clients Become The Secret Weapon Of Your Marketing Strategy?

The process of marketing is important in bringing new clients to your law firm. But once they are on board, it is not just about retention. Existing customers can be your finest marketing asset. Keep reading to learn some tips for improving your marketing strategy by keeping your clients happy.

Marketers everywhere will be aware of what is known as the buyer journey. It is as important in legal content marketing as it is for any other sector.

It all starts with awareness, that all-important stage when a potential client discovers you and your services exist. This is followed by the second stage – consideration – as they learn more about you and what you do. Success comes when they transition into the third (purchase) stage.

When a potential buyer reaches that third stage, it’s great news. It means the effort and investment in marketing have been successful. But there are a great deal more potential gains in store for you if you nurture your existing customers well…[Read More]



Roger Chiocchi

A life-long advertising and marketing professional, Roger is VP-Marketing at Signature Brand Factory. Prior to that he spent 20+ years on Madison Ave as a Sr. VP at Young & Rubicam and President of Y&R subsidiary, The Lord Group.



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