See how we CRAFTED a stellar brand for a CRAFT Brewery.

We Helped Kinsmen Brewing Company Grow from a Dream to a Regional Success.

The Dream

The Dream

Kinsmen Brewing Co. began as a dream. What if you could replicate the feeling and camaraderie of friends and family enjoying craft beer on a Sunday afternoon in their living room? On such dreams businesses are built. First, though, they needed to find a home.

The Home

The Home

They looked far and wide and finally found the perfect place – an old, renovated Nut and Bolt Factory in Milldale, CT, located on the old canal trail. Its exposed brick walls, wide spaces and location on the trail made it the perfect venue to instill our key brand values of camaraderie, family, serendipity, conviviality and, of course, great beer.

We crafted a brand

We crafted a brand.

The brand values of camaraderie, family, fun, kinship and great craft beer morphed into a great name, which then morphed into a great logo and, hence, a great brand was born.

From Milldale to the World

From Milldale to the World.

Our bricks and mortar form the basis of a warm, comfortable home. But, today, to be relevant you must extend bricks into clicks. So we built a website worthy of our brand, a place where one could feel the vibe of the Kinsmen brand anywhere and on any device.


We Crafted a Brand Personality.

A brand is more than a name and a logo, much, much more. A brand is a feeling that spreads the brand values throughout the marketplace, establishing a vital bond between the product and its targets. A brand is a personality. We planted a stake in the ground with this online video. Who better to express the brand values and ambience than Kinsmen’s our own employees?

Then we crafted a following.

When you get everything just right – the idea, the brand, the home, the messaging – it all falls in alignment. And you know what? People follow. They fill up your venue and extend the brand values with their personalities, friendliness and good cheer.


We Crafted a Brand Personality.

A brand is more than a name and a logo, much, much more. A brand is a feeling that spreads the brand values throughout the marketplace, establishing a vital bond between the product and its targets. A brand is a personality. We planted a stake in the ground with this online video. Who better to express the brand values and ambience than our own employees?

We took an experience and made it into a family.

Old Celtic pubs were steeped in tradition – cavernous, loud, cheerful and with an occasional brawl. The tall tales, stories and yarns spun bonded the patrons into something special: kinsmen, family. In this tradition, we gave each new variety a distinct character, an old world personality in the new world of brewology. So when you try one of Kinsmen’s specialty brews and are greeted by a bevy of colorful old-world characters – our kilted brothers, our mustachioed guzzler, our pipe-smoking savant, our helmeted knight, our French Cleopatra – don’t be surprised. We created a family of beers worthy of our family of patrons.

We took an experience and made it into a family.

Old Celtic pubs were steeped in tradition – cavernous, loud, cheerful and with an occasional brawl. The tall tales, stories and yarns spun bonded the patrons into something special: kinsmen, family. In this tradition, we gave each new variety a distinct character, an old world personality in the new world of brewology. So when you try one of Kinsmen’s specialty brews and are greeted by a bevy of colorful old-world characters – our kilted brothers, our mustachioed guzzler, our pipe-smoking savant, our helmeted knight, our French Cleopatra – don’t be surprised. We created a family of beers worthy of our family of patrons.

We communicated with our followers.

We communicated with our followers.

We collected names, emails and then reached out to our patrons. We told them about events, new brews, cannings and interesting tidbits. But through it all, the brand seeped into their minds.

We Turned Our Messaging Into A Dialogue.

We Turned Our Messaging Into A Dialogue.

One way communications by itself just won’t cut it in today’s world. We want our loyal followers to talk back. So we gave them reason to. Videos. Recipes. Memes. Events. On Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest. And talk back they did! Now Kinsmen has over 8,000 followers on Facebook. And it’s growing every day.


The Numbers Don’t Lie.

The Numbers Don’t Lie.

We like to think the fruits of our efforts for Kinsmen Brewing Co. are happiness, joy, kinship and fun. But the bean-counters like numbers. So here you go. Through Social Media, in a typical month we reach 13,327 people, experience 14,781 post engagements and 1,180 video views. And, get this, we have 8,964 followers, unheard of for a craft brewery in this region. Bean-counters rejoice!


Oh, Yeah, We do Advertising Too.

Oh, Yeah, We do Advertising Too.

Just because we’re adept at social media and digital marketing, doesn’t mean we can't do good ole traditional advertising. That’s how we all started, it’s in our blood. Starting with the great, provocative brand personality we developed, the advertising speaks for itself.


One Gold, Two Silvers and a Bronze, Oh My!

One Gold, Two Silvers and a Bronze, Oh My!

International Beer, Mead and Cider Competition) extolled Kinsmen with a bevy of awards: A Gold Medal for Kinsmen’s North Sea, A Baltic Port; Silvers for their Petite Vieillard and Roast; and Bronze for their Awesomator. We are so pleased to be part of it all.

Welcome to Our World.

Welcome to Our World.

When it all came together, we helped create something bigger than a product or service or venue, we helped created a brand experience. It was all about the feeling patrons got when they walked through the doors, conversed with friends, old and new, and gulped Kinsmen’s distinctive variety of brews.



Kinsmen became so successful, its customers wanted to be part of the brand. So we crafted merchandise.

We Do Our Crafting Across The Board.

No matter what your marketing communications need, we can craft it for you.

  • Strategic Branding
  • Brand Name Development
  • Brand Extension Development
  • Brand Identity Development
  • Offline Advertising Development
  • Online Advertising Development
  • Web Design and Development
  • Social Media Planning & Execution
  • Email Marketing
  • Merchandising Development
  • Video Creation, Development & Production
  • Point of Sale Graphics/Materials
  • Traditional Media Planning
  • Online Media Planning
  • PPC Media Planning & Execution
  • Market Research
  • Web and Social Media Analytics
  • Social Media Content Development

Let’s WORK together.

Get in touch and let’s talk about how we can grow your brand.

Bruce Staebler | | Mobile: 203-317-7663

Bruce Staebler
Mobile: 203-317-7663

14 + 2 =



Hours of Operation: Monday to Friday 9:00am — 5:00pm